
5 Conditions That Can Affect Your Sex Life & Tips To Manage Them

Contributed by: Priyaish Srivastava


Did you know?


    • Sperm cells can survive for a few hours outside the body, but once they enter a woman’s body, the survival time increases to three to five days
    • Peeing after sex minimizes the risk of urinary tract infection (UTI)
    • Several studies suggest that sex can help reduce stress & lower the blood pressure
    • Sex can help burn calories & cure headaches
    • Regular sex (once a week) can help regulate the menstrual cycle
    • Ithyphallophobia is the fear of having, seeing, or thinking about an erection
    • Migraine can increase sex drive in women
    • The heart rate increases at the time of orgasm
    • Sex can help re-energize the brain, increase creativity, & make a person think more clearly
    • Workout increases testosterone levels & blood circulation, making post-workout a good time for sex


In this article, you will learn about the five common health conditions that can impact your sexual performance and a few tips that can help manage those conditions, improving your overall well-being.



Diabetes is one of the most common and chronic ailments in India, occurring mainly due to an inactive lifestyle, bad habits such as smoking & drinking, and obesity.

Over time, diabetes can harm the blood vessels and nerves, obstructing blood circulation throughout the body, including sex organs.

High blood sugar levels can cause ejaculation and erection complications in men and less sexual desire, vaginal dryness, orgasm problems, and painful intercourse in women.

The following are a few tips that can help manage diabetes:


    • Exercise regularly & stay active
    • Quit smoking & alcohol consumption
    • Eat clean & healthy. Some dietary recommendations include leafy greens, eggs, chia seeds, beans, nuts & broccoli
    • Never skip your medicines
    • Get regular screening
    • Consult your doctor whenever required


Heart complications

Heart complications occur when blood circulation to and from the heart is obstructed. One of the prominent causes of such obstruction is plaque buildup in the arteries. 

This phenomenon also minimizes the flow of blood to the sex organs, harming your sex life. 

Given below are some ways that can help in improving heart functioning and unclogging arteries:


    • Quit smoking
    • Eat heart-healthy foods such as leafy greens, whole grains, berries, walnuts & beans
    • Limit or avoid alcohol consumption
    • Exercise regularly
    • Avoid stress
    • If you are on medication, do not skip it
    • Swap normal/cold water with lukewarm water
    • Undergo regular diagnosis



Depression is a mental health disorder that impacts your overall well-being, giving rise to symptoms such as anxiety, hopelessness, sleep troubles, appetite troubles, and loss of interest in activities you once enjoyed, such as having sex.

Want to know how to manage depression? Here are a few tips to help you:


    • Make a routine
    • Set small goals & accomplish them
    • Exercise regularly & eat nutritious foods
    • Get sufficient sleep (approximately seven to eight hours)
    • Avoid alcohol & drugs
    • Indulge in activities that make you happy
    • Get regular doctor consultation & avoid skipping medication


Low testosterone levels

Testosterone is the male sex hormone, and having low levels of these hormones can significantly minimize the sex drive. 

The secretion of testosterone can be affected by several factors such as Type 2 diabetes, liver ailments, kidney complications, and issues associated with the pituitary gland.

The following are some tips that can help boost your testosterone levels:


    • Exercise regularly & lift weights
    • Consume moderate amounts of foods rich in protein, fat & carbs
    • Take steps to manage conditions that affect testosterone levels & control stress
    • Increase exposure to sunlight & take vitamin D supplements
    • Get plenty of sound sleep (around seven to eight hours)


Chronic pain

Pain that lasts for more than 12 weeks is known as chronic pain. It can be difficult for someone suffering from such pain to indulge in sexual intercourse. 

Several conditions such as arthritis, neurogenic pain, post-trauma pain, post-surgical pain, lower back pain, and headache can cause chronic pain.

Here are some steps you can take to control the pain:


    • Do not avoid the pain
    • Get screened to identify the cause of the pain
    • Consult your doctor 
    • Taking necessary steps to manage conditions that can cause chronic pain
    • Get regular massages
    • Do not skip any medicine


Final thoughts

Sex is common, and an activity that provides pleasure. But most people feel uncomfortable talking about it. Owing to this, several factors that can sabotage your sex life are often neglected.

The above-mentioned are the five common conditions that can cause low sex drive, and along with them are some tips to help you manage the conditions.

Furthermore, you should also frequently opt for health screening. It provides you with vital insights into your health, allowing you to take necessary measures to improve it.


Book The Full Body Health Checkup Today!

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