
6 Foods For High Uric Acid That Can Help Reduce Levels Naturally

Contributed by: Rachana Arya



A high concentration of uric acid in the bloodstream — a condition called hyperuricemia — can lead to several health issues.

If you have too much uric acid in your body, it can cause significant joint pain due to the build-up of small crystals in the joints.

It can also cause inflammation in specific locations as well as acute pain in the soles of the feet, making even short distance walking difficult. This is a painful kind of arthritis called gout.

You may be surprised to learn that, in addition to medications, there are various foods that you can include in your diet to help you get well naturally.


Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar has been used as an alternative therapy for decades with claims that it can efficiently treat people with uric acid.

Made from fermented apple products, apple cider vinegar is considered to be an excellent option when uric acid gets hoarded in the blood.

The key ingredient within it, malic acid, not only aids in the breakdown of uric acid, but also its elimination from the body.

Every day, add one teaspoon of organic apple cider vinegar to a glass of water and consume it. 

Currently, there is little direct evidence around the health claims of apple cider vinegar—especially related to its effects in detoxification of the body of uric acid—but there are a few studies that support some of these claims. In other words, drinking ACV may help, but it’s not a cure.


Lime juice

Several studies have proved that increasing Vitamin C intake can also help you flush the excess uric acid from the bloodstream in a hassle-free manner.

Lime and lemon contain citric acid, which aids in the dissolution of uric acid.

Apart from lime, Vitamin C-rich foods such as amla, guava, sweet lime and oranges are excellent options to lower uric acid levels in the body.

Experts say that even people with normal uric acid levels may benefit from consuming lemon juice to balance blood acid.

To flush out the extra uric acid, drink lime water at least twice a day.


Eat antioxidant-rich fruits & vegetables

Research on antioxidant-rich foods demonstrates that you should eat more cherries, blueberries, and strawberries if you are suffering from joint pain due to uric acid.

Berries contain a natural anti-inflammatory component called anthocyanins which reduces uric acid levels and stiffness caused due to the condition.

Alkaline foods, such as tomatoes and bell peppers, also aid to balance your body’s acid levels. Cherries help to neutralize the acidic level in the body.


Celery seeds

Some recent research has established the ability of celery seeds to reduce elevated uric acid levels.

Celery contains Omega-6 fatty acids as well as other diuretic oils. As a strong diuretic, it aids in the removal of excess liquids from the body by activating the kidneys to flush out uric acid.

Celery products, such as seeds and juice, help to alkalinize your blood and reduce inflammation in your body.

If you have high uric acid content in your body, take half a teaspoon of dried celery seeds once a day, but make sure you drink lots of water with it.


High-fibre foods

Several studies have found that oats, whole grains, vegetables like broccoli, pumpkin and celery can be extremely beneficial in the absorption of uric acid and in eliminating it from the body.

What this means is that you increase your intake of high-fibre meals in order to regulate your blood uric acid levels.

Dietary fibre absorbs excess uric acid in the blood and aids in its elimination from the body. Soluble fibre can be found in oats, bananas, and grains such as jowar and bajra.



If you have elevated uric acid, eating a banana every day will help lower uric acid levels in your blood, lowering your risk of gout attacks.

Bananas are naturally low in purine, a natural component that breaks down into uric acid, making them a healthy choice.

Including bananas in your daily diet can lower the amount of uric acid in your blood and reduce your risk of recurrent gout attacks.


Final thoughts

Keeping a healthy weight and minding what you eat can prevent uric acid crystallization within the joints and the illnesses caused by elevated levels.

However, for some people, this may not be sufficient, and you will additionally need to take medications that efficiently reduce uric acid levels.

Furthermore, you should also frequently opt for arthritis screening. This health check can provide you with a comprehensive insight into your health, allowing you to take necessary precautions to stay at the top of your health.


Book The Arthritis Test Today!

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