
The Top 7 Ways To Prevent A Stroke & Improve Overall Well-Being

Contributed by: Priyaish Srivastava



Stroke is a condition that occurs when the blood supply to a part of the brain is obstructed due to factors like blood clots or plaque buildup in the arteries. 

Although avoiding the onset of a stroke is uncontrollable, knowing some common signs and symptoms can help take early preventive measures.

Given below are a few signs and symptoms that indicate the onset of stroke in both men and women.


    • Unexpected weakness or numbness in the face, arms, or legs, particularly on one side
    • Having trouble speaking & difficulty in understanding
    • Experiencing a sudden state of confusion
    • Unexpected vision complications in one or both eyes
    • Dizziness, loss of balance & lack of coordination that occurs while walking
    • Severe headache


Now that you are aware of the common signs and symptoms, continue reading to learn about the top seven ways that can help minimize the risk of stroke while improving overall well-being.


Controlling blood pressure

High blood pressure plays the most significant role in causing a stroke.

Studies suggest that people with high blood pressure or hypertension are four to five times more susceptible to a stroke.

To minimize the risk of hypertension, take measures to keep the blood pressure reading less than 120/80.

Here are a few tips to help you keep blood pressure under control.


    • Minimize salt intake & avoid foods rich in saturated fats
    • Eat foods rich in polyunsaturated & monosaturated fats
    • Increase the intake of fruits, vegetables & whole grains
    • Exercise at least 30 minutes a day
    • If you smoke, quit now


Losing weight

Obesity can lead to complications that increase the risk of having a stroke. Some of these complications include hypertension and diabetes.

If you are overweight, ask your doctor to provide you with a diet and exercise regimen to help you achieve healthy body weight.



Regular exercising is one of the best ways to improve overall health and reduce the risk of having a stroke.

Aim for at least 30 minutes of regular moderate-intensity workouts.

A few exercises that can help improve your health include brisk walking, swimming, yoga, jogging, cycling, and rope skipping.


Avoiding alcohol or moderate consumption

Alcohol is another factor that increases the risk of stroke.

A person who consumes more than two drinks every day is more likely to have a stroke than a person who drinks in moderation or does not drink at all.


Quitting smoking

Smoking is one of the most harmful habits that increase the risk of stroke and fatality. 

Nicotine raises blood pressure and reduces the amount of oxygen your blood carries throughout the body.

If you smoke, quit immediately and if you don’t, never start.

Additionally, avoid secondhand smoke as it can also increase the risk of stroke.


Controlling diabetes

Diabetes can harm blood vessels and increase the risk of clotting, which leads to stroke. If you are diabetic, the following tips may help you manage the condition:


    • Get regular diagnosis
    • Exercise regularly
    • Have meals that help control diabetes
    • Never skip medication
    • Consult your doctor regularly


Snoring can be harmful

Snoring can indicate the onset of a sleep disorder called sleep apnea – a condition that causes breathing to stop and start repeatedly. 

The condition interferes with the amount of oxygen you receive and raises blood pressure, increasing the risk of stroke.


Final thoughts

According to research, stroke is one of the leading causes of fatality in India and taking preventive measures may help minimize the risk of the condition.

With that said, the above given are the top seven ways that can help improve your overall well-being, reducing the chances of having a stroke.

Furthermore, you should also frequently opt for a preventive heart checkup.

This health check can provide you with comprehensive insight into the functioning of your heart, allowing you to take the necessary precautions to stay at the top of your health.


Book The Complete Heart Care Package Today!


Disclaimer: This blog is purely informational. We strongly recommend you consult your doctor before you begin managing any condition based on the information given above. 

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