
Top 5 Effective Herbs To Boost Testosterone Levels in Men


Testosterone is a vital male hormone that is responsible for promoting sexual development in men. Though testosterone is mostly linked to male hormones, it is also present in lower levels in females. Testosterone levels usually peaks in early adulthood and it continues to play a key role in several bodily processes, including maintaining:

·         Sperm production

·         Facial, pubic, and body hair

·         Boosting mood

·         Strengthening bones and muscle mass

·         Stimulating sexual health and vigour.

Certain medical conditions, medications, or injury can result in low testosterone levels. As testosterone levels decrease, men may experience symptoms similar to those of menopause. Early symptoms include:

·         Lowered sex drive

·         Changes in muscle mass

·         Decreased energy levels

·         Depression

Over time, these symptoms can cause:

·         Erectile dysfunction

·         Infertility

·         Mental and emotional changes

·         Decrease in hair growth on the face and body

·         Decrease in muscle mass

·         Development of breast tissue

·         Loss of bone mass

·         Difficulty in concentrating

The good news is that there are many ways to support healthy testosterone levels. While there are many treatments for testosterone levels, such as testosterone replacement therapy, many natural methods can also help boost testosterone and bring your hormones back into balance without the use of any medication. Some herbs and herbal extracts help in increasing testosterone levels naturally in men. Research on these plants supports their traditional use for maintaining sexual health.

Read through this article to know more about the five amazing herbs in the ancient Ayurvedic system of medicine that can help you rev up your testosterone for a better-looking physique and performance along with improved overall well-being.

Spotlight on five herbs for boosting testosterone levels

1. Gokhru/Gokshura

Gokhru/Gokshura is an Indian Ayurvedic herb that is considered to be a potent aphrodisiac. Derived from the dried fruits Gokshura plant, it is known as Nature’s Viagra. Active phytochemicals present in Gokshur improve men’s sexual health and increase the testosterone levels. Studies state that Gokshura might also play a crucial role in solving male infertility by enhancing sperm motility (sperm movement) and stimulating sperm production.

2. Ashwagandha

Ashwagandha ranks amongst the important men’s herb for ages. It is an evergreen herb with medicinal properties. Research suggests that it significantly acts as a testosterone booster and improves sexual health. Studies have disclosed that this wonder herb has the power to increase sperm count, the volume of ejaculation, sperm motility and vigour. Another benefit of Ashwagandha is that it acts as a natural cure for enhancing muscle mass and endurance in men.

3. Safed Musli

Safed Musli is a wonder herb that contains over 25 alkaloids, vitamins, proteins, carbohydrates, steroids, saponins, potassium, other chemical compounds, and polysaccharides, all of which contribute to the production of higher-quality sperm. A study states that Safed musli can also be used to increase metabolism by increasing blood circulation to the genitals and improving stamina levels. Safed Musli acts as one of the best natural and effective herbs to prevent erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation as well as to improve the sperm count. The saponins in this herb also help to reduce hormone imbalance by managing stress levels.

4. Shilajit

This medicinal herb is one of the most powerful aphrodisiac medicines mentioned in Ayurveda, the Indian System of Medicine. It is well known as ‘sex tonic,’ ‘Indian Viagra’ or ‘destroyer of weakness’ due to its potential to enhance the core energy for sexual drive. Shilajit contains 80+ trace minerals that contribute to enhanced testosterone levels in men, increased sperm count, enhanced sex drive, and a balanced flow of testosterone.  Due to its outstanding qualities, the herb works on all major health disorders in men and is commonly used to treat erectile dysfunction, nocturnal emission, oligospermia, infertility, and impotency.

5. Kaunch Beej

Kaunch Beej is a well-known sexual and reproductive herb used for centuries. Research and observations demonstrate that the antioxidant properties of this herb benefits men by reducing the free radical damage caused by stress hormones that usually reduces the motility of sperm. It helps in gaining muscle mass, boosting testosterone, and stimulating beard growth. Additionally, it enhances the mood through natural aphrodisiacs and performance.

Final Thoughts

Make the most of your life! Reclaim your youthful vigour by enhancing your masculine physique with the above herbs. These herbs are extremely beneficial and have the potential to increase your strength by stimulating your hormones. Try these potent herbs and incorporate them into your regular diet. Remember, it’s never too late to rediscover your youthful confidence.

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